

To describe the grammar fo Whistle, extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF) is used. The following table describes all of the used notations in the grammar specification of Whistle.

optional[, ]
repetition{, }
grouping(, )
string", "
comment/*, */

Characters, letters and digits

There are a few predefined values that could not easily be written as valid EBNF, these are instead written with the value of a comment which describes its content.

unicode_any = // any Unicode code point
unicode_letter = // any Unicode code point classified as a "Letter"
unicode_digit = // any Unicode code point classified as a "Digit"
letter = unicode_letter | "_"
digits_decimal = { "0" ... "9" }
digits_binary = { "0" | "1" }
digits_octal = { "0" ... "7" }
digits_hex = { "0" ... "9" | "A" ... "F" | "a" ... "f" }


In Whistle whitespace serves no purpose but to separate tokens and if included in a literal that explicitly allows it (string and character literals).

whitespace = " " | "\t" | "\r" | "\n"


Just like whitespace comments get ignored unless it is in a literal that explicitly allows it. Whistle provides two comment types: line comments and multiline/inline comments.

comment = comment_line | comment_inline
comment_line = "//" , { unicode_any - "\n" } , "\n"
comment_inline = "/*" , { unicode_any } , "*/"


Identifiers are mainly used in Whistle to name certain entities such as types, functions and variables. Some identifiers however are reserved as keywords and are not allowed for naming.

ident = letter , { letter | unicode_digit }
ident_typed = ident , ":" , ident
ident_as = ident , "as" , ident
ident_import = ident_as | ident


The following identifiers reserved as keywords in Whistle are currently:

import as from
export fun return
if else while
break continue var

And here are some of the planned keywords:

for in match
type struct trait


Operators are defined by one or more operator characters coming after each other.

operator_unary = "-" | "!" | "~"
operator_binary = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "=="
| "!=" | "<=" | "<" | ">" | ">=" | "&&" | "||"
| "<<" | ">>" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "+=" | "-="
| "*"= | "/=" | "%=" | "**=" | "&&=" | "||=" | "<<="
| ">>=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | operator_assign
operator_assign = "="


Literals in Whistle represent a fixed value.

literal = float
| int
| string
| char
| bool
| none
float = ( digits_decimal , [ "." , digits_decimal ] , [ exponent ] )
exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) , [ "+" | "-" ] , digits_decimal
int = int_binary
| int_octal
| int_hex
| int_decimal
int_decimal = digits_decimal
int_binary = "0" , ( "b" | "B" ) , digits_binary
int_octal = "0" , ( "o" | "O" ) , digits_octal
int_hex = "0" , ( "x" | "X" ) , digits_hex
string = "\"" , string_inner , "\"
string_inner = { unicode_any - ( "\"" | "\\" ) } , [ escape , inner ]
char = "'" , ( unicode_any - "\'" ) , "'"
char_inner = escape | unicode_any
escape = "\\" , ("\"" | "\\" | "r" | "n" | "t" | "0" | "'")
bool = "true" | "false"
none = "none"


Tips are in Whistle similar to macros. They tell the compiler certain stuff and are very useful for a plethera of reasons. There are two types of tips in Whistle: line tips and multiline/inline tips.

tip = "#(" , ident , ")" , ( tip_line | tip_block )
tip_line = { unicode_any - "\n" } , "\n"
tip_block = "{" , { unicode_any - "}" } , "}"


Expressions specify the computation of a value by applying operators to an operands.


  • The syntax for conditionals in Whistle is still undecided
  • Both index and slice array accessing is not ready along with arrays which is why it is commented
expression = unary | binary | conditional
unary = primary | ( operator_unary , unary )
binary = expression , operator_binary , expression
conditional = expression , "if" , expression , "else" , expression
primary = operand
| ( primary , selector )
| ( primary , arguments )
// | ( primary , index )
// | ( primary , slice )
operand = literal | ident | grouping
grouping = "(" , expression , ")"
selector = "." , ident
arguments = "(" , [ expression , { "," , expression } ] , ")"
// index = primary , "[" , expression , "]"
// slice = primary , "[" , [ expression ] , ":" , [ expression ] , [ ":" , [ expression ] ] , "]"


Statements control the execution and flow of the program.

statement = if
| while
| continue
| break
| return
| var_decl
| val_decl
| fun_decl
| block
| import
| tip
| expression
if = "if" , expression , statement , [ "else", statement ]
while = "while" , [ expression ] , statement
continue = "continue"
break = "break"
return = "return" , [ expression ]
var_decl = "var" , ident_typed , operator_assign , expression
val_decl = "val" , ident_typed , operator_assign , expression
fun_decl = "fun" , ident , { "(" , ident_typed , { "," , ident_typed } ")" } , ":" , ident , statement
block = "{" , { statement } , "}"
import = "import" , [ ident_import , { "," , ident_import } , "from" ] , string


Finally the grammar of the Whistle programming language can be described as zero or more statements repeating.

grammar = { statement }